New Season, New Changes


Happy Spring Equinox & New Moon

Seasonally this is a time for new beginnings, life and growth. When I think of the equinox season, I think of alchemizing energetic gifts we receive during this time. The Spring Equinox welcomes a harmonious balance between day and night, clearing out stagnant energy, bringing new opportunities.

We are also entering a lunar (moon) phase today known as the new moon. New moons represent new beginnings, setting intentions and a fresh start.

People will work with the cycles of the moon and equinox to harness natural elements and energies that aid in manifesting or intention setting.

In my personal life I have been tending to my garden quite literally, spiritually and metaphorically. My partner and I have been planting herbs and veggies for the spring season. Planting seeds and food medicine brings me back to my childhood reminiscing the wisdom my grandma mita modeled for me growing up.

Spiritually and metaphorically I am slowing myself down and learning to sit in my power of creativity, space holding and becoming a queer Latinx business owner. It’s a whirlwind and I am practicing with intention because I am ready for a new beginnings and finding new ways of being.

I invite you to think about what this new season and new moon means for you. 

Here are some contemplative questions to consider, discern or put into practice if that is what you feel called to do.

  • Do I reinstate with the seasons changing? 

  • Do I feel balanced in my life at this time? (physical, emotional, spiritual, relationships, financial, work, creativity, and self care)

  • What has fall and winter taught me that I am ready to shape shift into action this spring?

  • What is my relationship to my emotions? Do I feel any stuck energy from grief, anger, fear, anxiety, stress that is lingering in your body + personal space from the past?

  • Am I in capacity for something new? Maybe a small intention, a shift in habit or maybe ready to make that BOLD move to share my gifts and talents with community.

Directions: Tap into the wisdom of Black Feminist, Lesbian and Writer, Audre Lorde. I invite you to spend some time journaling, making time to move your body, calling in community, engage in rest or simply create with at least one these meditative questions in mind to support you during the Spring Equinox and new moon.


Caring for myself is not self indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is act of political warfare. 

Audre Lorde


Full bloom