Full bloom

We are in the midst of Spring and there is so much intimacy to be found observing all the earthly delights that are in full bloom.

I use this as a metaphor to ask you how do you show up in your fullest self?

Recently, the space I have been existing in centers around the the relational aspect of showing up authentically. I am of the mind honing in on personal strengths and not dimming those strengths in efforts to make others and systems of oppression comfortable.

Tapping into new ways of being and the ongoing discovery of the new versions of you is something to celebrate, cherish and grow into its fullest bloom.

Here are some questions I invite you to think about:

Confidence & Vision:

  1. What would you do if you had all the confidence in the world?

  2. Is there a part of that feels unseen?

  3. Who is someone that embodies the confidence you admire and respect? Why? Please think of an example and describe the symbolism that is meaningful for you.

  4. Identify parts of you that is in relation to the person who you admire and respect. Is there a way you can offer gratitude and recognize this particular person.

  5. What similar strengths do you both embody or respect that can support your growth zone in 3, 6, 9, 12 months from now.

  6. Can you find one day in the coming month to invite your strengths to shine? This can be as simple or bold as you want. If you’re not ready, that is okay! Play some music in your cozy space and feel yourself!

Directions: There is no right way to process information. I invite you to incorporate some of these questions in a way that feels honest. This can be through journaling, going for walk, meditating, conversing or having your own dance party.


New Season, New Changes